New website to educate about Flooding Policy

by simongalton on 12 August, 2008

Following the large scale flooding across the country in 2007 the County Council group successfully managed to have £500,000 allocated from the budget for flood prevention work on the counties highways. We stated at the time that flooding is a growing concern amongst local people and more needs to be done.

The overall need to inform the people  about flooding policy has led to the creation of a new website by a partnership between Norwich Union and PlayGen. The site allows people to play a game that gives them control over the flooding policy for the country – it is also an opportunity to contribute to the government’s ongoing consultation of flood policy and a chance to learn more.

Cllr. Boulter Spokesman for the Environment states: ‘this is a useful website to learn more about the issues around flooding, and further highlights the need for local authorities to plan for an uncertain future where climate change will come to affect our lives more directly. It also reinforces the need for local councillors to be prepared to look for solutions and preventative measures now.

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