Having checked our figures again it appears we double counted the actual saving for winter maintenance, the actual saving for 2009/10 is £215,000 which is bad enough but this already includes the £136,110 we highlighted separately. I am sorry for the mistake, but the point is the same – money is still being taken out of winter maintenance.
Following the most extreme winter weather in recent memory, Liberal Democrat County Councillors have highlighted a contradiction in the Conservatives approach to the Budget in terms of Highways provision and winter maintenance.
Bill Boulter CC said: “whilst I don’t wish to detract from the hard work and commitment that the Highways staff has undertaken in these very difficult circumstances – I do think some facts need to be highlighted. Last year during the fiasco on Grass cutting the Conservatives laid the blame on Climate Change, subsequently more money has been allocated to ensure the same thing doesn’t happen again. But now we see the conservatives intend to make further savings of £215,000. Climate Change theory suggests that we will experience more extreme weather changes with hot summers that make the grass grow and winters that freeze everything shut, I am concerned that this winter maintenance budget leaves us ill prepared for another spell of severe snow and ice – and will forces us into unplanned spending – as proven by the forced expenditure of £250,000 to keep the service operational.”
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